Dec 142018

Save the Date May 3-5, 2019- the only supported ride across Alabama opens in one month! Don’t let the cold weather stop you from doing what you love! Packets were mailed to bike shops and cycling groups in the neighboring states and our planning team has been working hard to get organized. Here are a few thoughts to help you get ready:

  1. Save the date-We depart on a Thursday evening, May 2nd and shuttle to West Alabama. Our ride ends back in East Alabama by 2:00pm Sunday afternoon. You only budget a day or maybe two off of work.
  2. Train: Whether you use a trainer during these cold, wet months, or brave the cold-get to where you can ride consistently for 40-60 miles. It’s more about being in the saddle that long. We have different ability groups and the average is 15mph.
  3. Think of ways you will help with our fundraising. We make it super easy. When you register, you’ll have the opportunity to set up a personal fund raising platform. We’ll also send you a letter template for local corporate sponsors that can help you.
  4.  Pray-yep, praying is so good. This ride serves families in Alabama whose  home needs significant repair to keep families warm, safe, and dry. You are a part of this solution.

Stay tuned and share with us your training strategies and stories!

See you on the ride!
